Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hope you have a great day, Granddaddy!

Wild and crazy guy!

Superhero in disguise!

Too cool for school

Who doesn't snowboard in June?
Don't you have a ninja headband?

Jumping in!
 Miss you and love you, Granddaddy! Hope you have a great Father's Day!
Aedan (and his mommy and daddy)

Friday, June 17, 2011

I thought you might like some pictures of me to look at and share with your friends! I love you, and I hope you have a happy Father's Day, Granddaddy!

Check out my new ride! The only bad part of it is that I end up doing all the work!

Mommy and me clowning around at Aunt Laura's wedding. I looked smooth in my tux!

Preparing for a tough day at the office...or school, I mean.

I've got this tennis thing down!

I love singing! Especially your song about sunshine!

Whaddayou looking at?

This was my special birthday dinner with Mom and Dad.

I think I looked pretty darn good in your cowboy hat - I might have to get me one of these!

I was so excited to look for Easter eggs, I forgot to change out of my jammies!

Found them all!

Hope you enjoy all my pictures! Love you!